And the winners are …

Rather than cancel our Oscars party this year, Rockford decided to make it an exclusive, formal affair. We dressed up, hit the red carpet and ate fancy appetizers pizza and mozzarella sticks for dinner. I think Ellen Degeneres did a great job hosting, and the producers succeeded in making the show more entertaining this year. Way to go, team.

Gorgeous: Kate Winslet, Hellen Mirren, Reese Witherspoon, Beyonce’s hair.

Not my style: Gwenyth Paltrow, Penelope Cruz, Kirsten Dunst, Nicole Kidman.

Loved: Forest Whitaker’s speech; Abigail Breslin’s Curious George doll; the crowd reaction when Martin Scorcese won; “The Departed”; so many gratuitous Leo shots*; saying, “Hey isn’t that the girl from ‘The Office’ with Quincy Jones?” and then looking her up on and finding that she’s his daughter; the Jack Black/Will Ferrell/John C. Reilly song.

Oscar pool: And the winners are … Amy and our very own Rockford. They both missed Best Picture and Best Supporting Actor, which gave me nothing to use as a tie-breaker. Because Rockford gets the everyday prize of living with me, though,** Amy gets the Fabulous Something. Yay, Amy!

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*There was a time when I didn’t get the DiCaprio thing. Now I get it.