An uninspired menu plan

Monday: Spaghetti.
Spaghetti night is usually reserved around here for when I’m feeling particularly uninspired in the kitchen. This week, though, its appearance is also prompted by the fact that I have three jars of spaghetti sauce in the pantry, and we were trying to cut the grocery bill down a bit.

Tuesday: Chicken pot pie.
I have a pot pie filling in the freezer, but it’s reserved for use after Pete arrives. Pot pie is a little time-consuming, but it’s worth it. I could eat it every day.

Wednesday: Chicken pot pie, Part II.
… Or two days in a row, at the very least.

Thursday: Tacos.

Friday: Pizza.

One thought on “An uninspired menu plan”

  1. Can’t believe Pete arrives in 15 days! How exciting! Life with Zach is going well. He has a set of lungs on him, but we are slowly working out why he uses them-feed me, change me, i am tired etc…
    Going to have Chris make the chicken pot pie! It sounds good.

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