An extremely brief P90X update

P90X vs. cheeseburgersSummary: Week 3 went really well. Seemed to hit on all cylinders. Started to see results. Dropped two pounds.

Week 4: Recovery week. Supposed to do nothing but cardio and yoga. I got sick and didn’t do anything. But I also didn’t eat, so I lost another pound.

Week 5: This week. Phase 2. Amazing change of pace and tough workouts. I am still not fully recovered from my sickness, so I’m taking it easy.

Side Note: Took 30 day pictures. Gut is a little smaller. Moobs (Man Boobs) are a little smaller. Spare tire (back fat) is less monster truck and more motorcycle. Nothing drastic, but noticeable.

2 thoughts on “An extremely brief P90X update”

  1. Way to go! Keep up the good work! And the updates. I like reading about someone else’s experience with this program.

  2. Ditto. I like the updates. Keeps me motivated and gives me something to compare my experience to.

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