A whole bunch of beans

Monday: Bean and rice burritos

I never made them last week.

Tuesday: Butternut squash ravioli

The only vegetable Poppy will willingly eat!

Wednesday: Eggs & veggie sausages

The kids have recently rediscovered their taste for scrambled eggs (as opposed to “Grandpa style,” aka fried). It makes me feel slightly less like I’m slinging hash at a diner.

Thursday: White chicken chili

I always think chicken chili would be really great when I see a recipe for it, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually made it.

Friday: Pizza

2 thoughts on “A whole bunch of beans”

  1. I really like Cooking Light’s White Turkey Chili, if your recipe doesn’t work out :).

  2. White chicken chili is delicious! The recipes I’ve found tend to be too light on the cumin, so I add more,but then I’m kind of a fan of cumin.

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