A week of mini-vacations for Mama

Yesterday was the most relaxing morning I’ve had in recent memory. I did not go to a spa, I’m not on vacation and there was no hypnotism involved. We just got up a little earlier than normal, had breakfast, got ready for the day and marched over to the church in our neighborhood for Vacation Bible School. Once the kids were settled, I walked back home and did absolutely nothing for three hours. (Not entirely true. I did eat a banana and pet the cats.)

It’s the first time the kids have done any kind of camp, so they were a little nervous yesterday morning. All turned out well, though. So well, in fact, that Pete didn’t want to leave.

Here’s his email to Rockford about his day:

Dear Daddy,

I got to camp and I played with toys, and I learned about animals. And I played outside. And then I had lunch in the same place the cafeteria was. I had some lettuce, some potatoes, some ketchup, some milk and a hamburger. I took a bite of the ketchup on my burger. Well actually all I ate was the milk, ketchup and hamburger. I played more outside after lunch.

The End.

I realized after we got home yesterday that the “little kids” part is actually more daycare than VBS, so he didn’t actually have to leave when I picked Poppy up. I’ll probably let him stay the full day today. Maybe Poppy and I will go out to lunch while he enjoys his ketchup.

Poppy wrote about her first-ever day of VBS on her blog.* Spoiler! She loved it.

*I don’t think I’ve mentioned Poppy’s blog here before. She isn’t a big fan of doing her history narration on paper, but she really liked the idea of dictating it to me and putting it on her own website. So that’s what we did.