A carrot cake without flavor is no carrot cake at all

City Lights Coffee, Charleston SC
City Lights Coffee, Charleston SC

Before we left for Charleston last week, I turned to the internet for carrot cake advice. I love carrot cake, see, and I’m trying to find the Very Best Carrot Cake on Earth. (You can see my top picks thus far over in the left-hand sidebar.) The people at Trip Advisor gave the carrot cake at City Lights Coffee pretty good marks, so that’s where I went.

It’s is a very cozy spot — read: it’s tiny — and its customers were clearly loyal. Everyone who was already there when I walked in seemed to know each other, and they also knew the other three people who came and went while I was there. I’m sure that’s a wonderful feeling for the regulars, being where everybody knows your name, but it was a little off-putting being an outsider in such confined quarters.

But we’re not here to discuss ambiance. Let’s talk cake.

The carrot cake was pretty, with a lovely autumnal color and visible flecks of carrot. The cream cheese frosting was silky and had a nice buttery flavor, but the cake itself wasn’t impressive. In a blind taste test, I’m not sure I would’ve pegged it as carrot cake at all. It didn’t have a distinct flavor at all. On the plus side, it didn’t have raisins in it. Sadly, the City Lights Coffee carrot cake doesn’t even crack my top five. I spent the last $5 in my wallet on it, too, which compounded the disappointment.

Carrot cake. City Lights Coffee. Charleston SC.
Carrot cake. City Lights Coffee. Charleston SC.

Do you know where the Very Best Carrot Cake on Earth can be found? I probably won’t hop a plane immediately, but I’m definitely keeping a list of places to try.

8 thoughts on “A carrot cake without flavor is no carrot cake at all”

  1. The best carrot cake on earth WAS at Village Wine and Cheese in CoMo. Sadly, it’s gone the way of the Dodo. I’m 99% sure the recipe was published in the Trib 2 to 3 years ago. Haven’t had time to search for it for you yet.

  2. We had one last night at West End Cafe downtown Winston, omg, soooo good. I split it with your dad and J.

  3. @Miller: I checked the website, and I think I found the article, but there’s no carrot cake recipe.

    @Carrie: You’ll be having another the next time I’m there!

  4. The West End Cafe one WAS very good – but the stars will have to align for you to get a slice. The Cafe changes its deserts pretty regularly.

  5. Well, the hotel we were at for the Type-A conference says they have the best in the world. However, my husband says mine is the best. Maybe I will have you over for carrot cake sometime!
    Since I am in the Type-D category myself, it will have to be on the spur of the moment, as in, “Hey, I made a carrot cake, can you come NOW?” So, be ready sometime in the next year or so… 🙂
    .-= Kym´s last blog ..Life changes =-.

  6. Ketchie Creek Bakery in lovely Mocksville, NC. Gabe and I usually spend an extra night at his parents just to be in the vicinity of this place on a weekday. Save enough room for the streusel-topped pumpkin pie. Yummm.

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