I reserve a mama’s right to smooch him at will

It seems that 40-something percent of the country is feeling somewhere between a little blue, very disappointed and ragingly angry today. I feel for those folks, for I too have been on the losing end of elections, and it is not enjoyable.

But I am not here today to talk to you about margins of victory or politicians or the electoral college. I am here today to share with you a piece of bipartisan bit of news that we can all celebrate, be we red, blue, liberal, conservative, rich or poor.

And that news is this:

Five years ago today, I met one of the most delightful people in my life. He was small and loud. He took hold of my heart from the first time I laid eyes on him. He’s still small and loud, and he still has a firm grip on my heart.

Yes indeed, today is Pete’s fifth birthday. This morning I told him “Happy birthday, baby,” and tried to give him a kiss, and he said, “I’m not a baby! No smooches today!” He’s a wonderment, that one.

Happy birthday, Pete — my sweet, wild little bundle of sunshine. Thank you for bringing so much joy and laughter into our lives.