I’ll bet Horatio Caine makes an epic paella

We went to Krispy Kreme for doughnuts after Poppy’s soccer game on Saturday. I made my menu plan and grocery list there, on a napkin. And now I can’t find the napkin, and I can’t remember what the menu plan was. So now I’m going to have to recreate it using clues such as Things We Bought at the Grocery Store. I’m thinking of it as CSI: Kitchen. Except it’s not a crime scene, so the “joke” really doesn’t work at all unless we call it, say, “Cooking Stuff In: My Kitchen.” Works for me.

So. Here’s what I think we’ll do this week:

Monday: Sandwiches

I know that I had Jason’s Deli on the schedule again this week, but then I realized that I have all of the parts for My Sandwich* in my house. So it wouldn’t make sense to have Jason make it.
*California Club, no sprouts, no tomato
Menu Plan Monday

Tuesday: Spaghetti

I already had all of the spaghetti-making materials on hand. I don’t think this was on the menu I made on Saturday, but I know the kids will eat it. I also know I have garlic bread in the freezer.

Wednesday: Chicken sausages & sweet potato fries

I wish I could buy these sausages in bulk. They’re super tasty.

Thursday: Grilled chicken

The chicken is in the freezer, so this one hinges on me remembering to thaw it. Let’s just say there’s an 80% chance we’ll have chicken on Thursday.

Friday: Pizza

Not the souvenir I’d requested

Last week was long. Rockford was in Shanghai all week, and the internet went out on Friday. (Not that the two on on a par as far as Things That Are Unpleasant for Nichole go, but the internet outage was the icing on a rather difficult cake.)

Rockford got home Saturday evening, and he’s been in various stages of exhausted since then. He brought home some cute pajamas for the kids and a cold for me.

The good news is: The internet guy fixed the internet for us yesterday, and today it’s gloomy and rainy. If I have to be sick in May, I’d rather the weather be blah right along with me.

13. Meow

I woke up in the middle of the night. (That’s not the blessing.) Marsha T. Cat was curled up against me, as usual, and I was petting her in my sleep. It made me laugh. She is a friendly, comforting little thing.