A tale of two sandwiches

We went out to lunch today after trying out a new church (in a nightclub; it was loud). NaBloPoMo!We brought half of my avocado sandwich and most of Petey’s barbecue sandwich home with us. When we got home, Rockford used his raw power to tear the handle from the storm door on the front porch. We managed to loosely reattach it — enough to get inside — and we came in, put kids down for rests and napped/watched football.

Minutes ago, my mother-in-law arrived for her weekly outing with Poppy.

“There’s a sandwich on your front porch!” she said.

And indeed, there was. My partially gnawed avocado melt was sitting on the front step. The barbecue sandwich was untouched. Apparently, the beast is a vegetarian.

Overheard on a plane

NaBloPoMo!I was sitting across the aisle from what may have been the two most talkative and loudest people on the planet this morning. There conversation went from work (benefits analysis!) to Casinos I Have Loved to roller coasters to timeshares back to casinos. I found it very pleasing that they came full circle. The roller coaster conversation even had loop-by-loop analysis. I was impressed that two strangers who had so very much in common ended up sitting together. Impressed, but also a little exasperated. They were really loud talkers.

I wish I’d had the computer out. Their dialogue would’ve been 50,000 NaNoWriMo words, easy.