Ars poetica

We’re reading “The Glorious Flight” this week for school, and it has contains some really lovely descriptive phrases. So yesterday, P and I talked about descriptive writing. I did give her a little guidance as to how to put the descriptions together to create poems, but the phrases themselves are hers.

Grape Juice
Cold and sour, too.
Spills on the table
waiting to mop.

Cold and sweet.
The color white.
Good with peanut butter waffles.

The Red Marker
The color of bags,
aprons, cherries,
apples and Mickey Mouse’s buttony shirt.
It’s kind of funny.
You draw with the marker.
When you put it on paper
and zig-zag with it,
it makes a picture.

Papa’s Motorcycle
Brrrm brrrrrmmmmm
And I need earplugs like
my ear fingers.
A big black seat for Papa.
And two bars for my Papa.
It’s fast and big.

Deconstructing pot pie

This was Amy’s week to pick our Recipe Roulette meal, and she chose one that I already had on my to-try list. Yay Amy! It’s Rachael Ray’s Creamed Chicken with Gnocchi Dumplings. Now, I know we haven’t had a great track record with her recipes. But this has a cup of half-and-half in it. So it had to be good. Right?

Our menu plan only has four days in it this week, because I’ve decided that I’m taking myself out to dinner on Friday. Alright, fine — I’ll probably take the rest of the family along, too. Or maybe I’ll leave them home to eat peanut butter sandwiches. We’ll see how their ‘tudes are this week.

Menu Plan MondayPizza
Our weekly homemade pizza night turned into pizza delivery night last week after an allergy attack sent me down for a three-hour nap. So this week, the dough is already made and ready to become dinner!

Poppy has recently decided that she likes her spaghetti with a touch of sauce. Which means she’s eating a vegetable. Let the rejoicing begin!

Espresso Black Bean Chili
Thanks to Mark Bittman, I developed a bit of an obsession with beans and rice. Rockford has yet to object to having some version of it every week, and wee Petey would eat beans for every meal if he could. So Beanapalooza ’09 continues! Since I don’t normally drink coffee (and neither do the kids), I’ll probably use decaf coffee for this so as not to be bouncing off the walls at bedtime.

Creamed Chicken with Gnocchi Dumplings
I doubled the chicken portion of our Recipe Roulette meal over the weekend and tossed it in the freezer for later this week.

from Rachael Ray Magazine
One 1-pound package potato gnocchi
4 tablespoons butter
1 onion, finely chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
12 ounces skinless, boneless chicken breast, cut into thin strips
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup half-and-half
1 cup chicken broth
2 scallions, chopped

Cook the gnocchi according to package directions; drain.

Meanwhile, in a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons butter over medium-high heat. Add the onion and bell pepper and cook, stirring often, until softened, about 5 minutes. Add the chicken and cook, stirring occasionally, until just cooked through, about 5 minutes; season with salt and pepper.

In a small saucepan, melt the remaining 2 tablespoons butter over medium heat. Whisk in the flour and cook until toasted, about 3 minutes. Whisk in the half-and-half and chicken broth; bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer until thickened. Whisk into the chicken mixture, then stir in the gnocchi. Bring to a simmer, then season with salt and pepper and top with the scallions.

Sounds of relative quiet

Right now, Pete is napping. Poppy is out with Rockford — who took her with him to get his haircut. Brave fella! It’s mighty quiet and mighty nice. Once they get back, we’ll go to the grocery store and the library. But probably not in that order. I should be making the grocery list or transplanting bushes* right now. Instead, I’m going to continue savoring the silence for a few minutes.


  • I started the transplanting project, but then it got all cold and rainy. So now I just have a hole in the yard. Landscaping fail.
  • I went to the library and got our homeschooling book for next week. I also accidentally picked up a science fiction novel (called “Julian Comstock“). I thought it was a Western (because of the “Comstock“). Library win/fail.
  • We went to the grocery store, and I got a jelly doughnut. Win.
  • *Because this plan! We’re doing it! Or something similar.