
I don’t remember what I was doing four years ago today. There’s a 90% chance that it involved Sparky’s ice cream, because Missouri is hot in August, and ice cream is cold and delicious. The point is, though, that I can’t tell you for certain what I was doing on August 15, 2004.

But I won’t ever forget what I was doing three years ago today. Three years ago today, my life changed. I don’t really remember what life was like before August 15, 2005. I can’t figure out what I did with all that spare time.

Mostly, though, I can’t figure out where this bottomless love was stored before my girl came in to my life.

In just three years, Poppy has transformed from a wee, helpless newborn into a smart, charming, funny little person. She has a mischievous and irresistible smile and a staunch independent streak, and she loves her family with abandon. She likes to help me make peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day, and she wants to have her birthday party at Big Lots. She’s Grundgetta some days and Poppy Telly other days.

She’s a great blessing and a pleasure to know.

Happy birthday, Pi. I don’t know what I did without you.

Pantry raid

Menu Plan Monday logoOne of my least favorite things? The packing. I’ve discovered that there are far fewer kitchen boxes to pack if I deplete the pantry before we start packing stuff in there. So this week’s theme is Eat It So I Don’t Have to Pack It.

Monday: Turkey sandwiches

Tuesday: Eggs rolls and rice

Wednesday: Mexican casserolish something

Thursday: Lasagna