Tag Archives: nablopomo2013

A selection of websites I visited and things for which I searched this week

Dr. Sidney Mezes, presumably using some sort of early Google program to search for important information such as that which you will find below. (Library of Congress photo I found on the Flickrs.)
  • My friend Brook’s friend is raising money for Cystic Fibrosis research.
  • ‘Saxophone Lung’ Developed By Man Who Didn’t Clean His Clarinet For More Than 30 Years.” As someone who played saxophone very poorly but for quite a few years back in my schoolgirl days, I say this with great confidence: Ew.
  • I tried to find out whether one could merge Bearville accounts, because Poppy has four of them. Because she kept forgetting her passwords. I still don’t know the answer.
  • Lorde’s ‘Royals’ Isn’t Anti-Rap, It’s Anti-Imperialism.” I like that song. The kids very much do not, because I do. That’s how it works, right?
  • make ahead mashed potatoes,” because Thanksgiving is nigh. I’ll probably try the Ree Drummond version.

  • when does psych come back?” December 15!
  • Speaking of TV I am excited about: “Here is your ‘Doctor Who’ anniversary schedule of events!
  • How to Make Butterbeer. Or just buy it at Starbucks..” I’ll be exercising the Buy It option.
  • And now he is six

    He loves cheeseburgers and superheroes and legos.

    He leaps everywhere he goes.

    His smile lights up a room.

    My tiny little ray-of-sunshine baby is an ever-growing and often-storm-cloudy 6-year-old today.

    Yesterday we spent some time running and walking the bases at a local baseball field, and then we played Poohsticks in a tiny stream, and it was one of the best let’s-kill-some-time hours I’ve ever spent.

    Happy birthday, Petey. You’re my whole heart.

    A cinquain is a five-lined poem, and I wrote one.

    comics by Drew

    I hadn’t heard of the cinquain before I decided to write some poems for NaBloPoMo. It’s a poetry form developed by a lady named Adelaide CrapseyI know — who was a fan of Japanese poetry forms such as haiku. You can see that influence in the cinquain, which is a five-line poem consisting of 22 syllables (two syllables in the first line, four in the second, six in the third, eight in the fourth and two in the last line).

    I like a good firmly structured poem, don’t you? And so here it is, my first-ever attempt at a cinquain. I hope Ms. Crapsey would enjoy it.

    This Is

    Saturday night.
    He’s on the couch, and I’m
    online; it’s the closest we’ve been
    all week.