Tag Archives: NaBloPoMo

A to-do list for the first of November

NaBloPoMo 2010

  • Laundry
  • Homeschool
  • Write post (first day of NaBloPoMo!)
  • Make menu plan for this week
  • Start NaNoWriMo

Is it just me, or did November get here awfully quickly this year? I think we may have accidentally skipped a week of October. Not that I want to go back, necessarily. I love November. It’s extreme birthday season around ButterscotchSundae headquarters. In first seven days of November, we celebrate four birthdays: Mine, my sister-in-law’s, my dad’s and then Pete’s. And then, of course, there’s National Blog Posting Month, National Novel Writing Month and Thankgiving, and I plan to participate in all three. I’m pretty sure I can complete NaBloPoMo again, and I know I’m a champion at eating Thanksgiving dinner. But I’m not sure about NaNoWriMo. I’m going to give it a shot at least for a week or so.

I am aware that Thanksgiving isn’t November’s only meal. Here’s what we’ll be eating this week:

Monday: Breakfast for dinner

This will be eggs, veggie sausages and toast. It’s always a hit, which is why we have it at least one night most weeks.
Menu Plan Monday

Tuesday: Macaroni & cheese

I was going to make this from scratch, but then Target had the blue box on sale for 90 cents.

Wednesday: Chicken sausages and fries

I never actually made this last week, so here it is again!

Thursday: Pizza

What!?! Pizza on Thursday? But Friday’s pizza night! I know. But here’s the thing: I’ll be turning 32 on Thursday, which naturally means that we’re going to have a wild and crazy day. So Pizza Thursday it is.

Friday: OK, fine. Pizza Thursday isn’t just because it’s my birthday. We’re going to my sister-in-law’s for dinner on Friday.

In other news, my children are playing a game in which they’re hunting snakes and then eating them. For the record: I do not enjoy all the shouting about snakes.

Beware: Something gross lurks within

  • I started writing just NaBloPoMo!after midnight last night. I’m going to put a word-count widget somewhere around here if they ever start working.
  • The kids were up at 7 this morning. I do not like you, Time Change.
  • I never made the pizza last night, and I forgot to put the dough away. It was pretty flat this morning. I slashed it, salted it and baked it. Maybe it will be OK.
  • Some sort of beast attacked our trash can last night. There was only one bag in it, but it was ripped open and halfway down the hill this morning. I picked most everything up. But not — you may want to set aside your doughnut before continuing — the diaper covered in slugs. I’m hoping my still-sleeping husband is well-rested and strong-stomached when I send him out there.
  • Taking the bite out of Thanksgiving prep

    Works for Me Wednesday logo

    I know that yesterday I claimed to be a top-notch procrastinator, but today I’m working against the grain. (Although to be truthful, most of the things on that list still aren’t done.) I’ve put together two of my side dishes for tomorrow so far this morning, and I’ve managed to do it without taking a single nibble. For me, this is a major accomplishment. I owe my success to one thing: Chewing gum. Yummy creamy cheese and syrupy sweet potatoes just don’t taste right with a side of spearmint. I’m hoping it also keeps me away from the pumpkin pie that I’ll be making when the kids take their nap.

    Visit Rocks in My Dryer for more Works for Me Wednesday tips!