Tag Archives: menu planning

Another busy week, another menu plan

We had a beautifully busy Labor Day weekend filled with friends, family and tons of cake. Pete kicked things off with a birthday sleepover at a friend’s house on Friday night, then we went to my brother’s house to celebrate his son’s third birthday. We spent Saturday night there, and we ate delicious pastries and played a lot of “Super Mario World.” We came home on Sunday in time to have dinner with Rockford’s parents, and on Monday we went to their house for my sister-in-law’s birthday dinner. We also went for a hike on a new-to-us trail that we had literally all to ourselves.

It was a lovely weekend.

We won’t be doing as much driving this week as we did over the weekend, but it’s going to be busy-busy nonetheless. Here are the easy-peasy meals we’ll be having this week:

Monday: Shepherds pie
We went to my in-laws’ house to celebrate my sister-in-law’s birthday. She’d requested shepherds pie, which I’d never had before. It was a hearty meal.

Tuesday: Fish sticks and macaroni & cheese
My original plan called for “Frozens.” Then I checked the freezer and discovered a big bag of fish sticks, so that’s what’ll be on the table this evening. I may have a veggie burger.

Wednesday: Spaghetti
Our soccer carpool plan for tomorrow is a little up in the air right now, so this might turn into Pick Something Up On The Way Home from Soccer Practice if I end up driving.

Thursday: Tacos
This is the only meal I need to go to the grocery store to make this week!

Friday: ???
If we go to the fair we’ll probably have corn dogs and deep-fried Oreos for dinner. If we don’t go, we’ll have pizza. (We aren’t actually going to have deep-fried Oreos. Probably.)

Still hungry? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie for more menu plans.

A menu plan after a weekend of soccer games

We spent a good bit of our weekend at various soccer fields, where Poppy was playing in a soccer tournament. It was her team’s first (and second and third) game of the year. They had a lot of fun, communicated well and played hard. They finished the tournament with one win, one tie and one loss.

There was considerably less running about yesterday, which was lovely. We went to church and had a BBQ lunch in the fellowship hall afterward, and I don’t think I left the house again once we got home. I will be leaving the house today, but not for terribly long. Then once we’re home I’ll make some quesadillas, per Poppy’s request.

Here’s the rest of the menu plan for this week:

Monday: Quesadillas
Last week’s quesadillas were a hit, and Poppy requested them again. I used some shredded chicken and black beans last Monday. Today’s edition will be ground beef, cheese and beans.

Tuesday: General Tso’s Meatballs
We had baked orange meatballs a couple of weeks ago, and I thought I’d make a variation on them this week. I’m going to make the meatballs with ground chicken, garlic and ginger, and I’m going to douse them with the Serious Eats recipe for General Tso’s sauce.

Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner
If it feels like we have breakfast for dinner every week, it’s because we pretty much do. I don’t love it, but the kids sure do.

Thursday: Poppyseed chicken
Everyone loved the poppyseed chicken when it made its appearance recently, and Pete and Rockford have been campaigning for it ever since.

Friday: Pizza
This may be the week I finally grill pizza again.

Still hungry? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie for more menu plans.

The weekend of a lot and the menu plan that followed

I've never braved the ski lift that runs from end to end at the fair, but based on the pictures other people took from its terrifying heights I might try it. Next year. Maybe.
I’ve never braved the ski lift that runs from one end of the fairgrounds to the other, but based on the pictures other people took from its terrifying heights I might try it. Next year. Maybe.
Which exciting story of our weekend would you care to hear? The one where we spent hours and hours at the soccer fields? The one where we went to the fair with a gaggle — a herd? a pack? a pod? a convocation, crackle or charm? What is the appropriate collective noun in this instance? — of homeschoolers? The one where I went to the grocery store alone? The one with both sleepovers and birthday parties? Or perhaps the one where I hurt my back whilst emptying the kitty litter?

As you may have surmised, it was a very busy weekend. I think that, instead of telling you any of those riveting tales, I will share with you our menu plan for the week and go back to my heating pad.

Monday: Chicken Parm Meatballs
It would seem that I’m on a Rachael Ray kick again. Her Chicken Parm Meatballs are the first of two RR recipes this week. We’ll have them with orzo and a salad.

Tuesday: Tacos
Taco Tuesday, but with more avocado and less kragle.

Wednesday: Chicken & Dumplings
Remember when my dad was coming to town and he wanted chicken & dumplings so I put them on the menu again? We went out to eat instead. He’s stopping by again after spending the weekend at my brother’s house, though, so here again are the chicken & dumplings.

Thursday: Out?
We’ll probably go out, but we may just have cereal instead.

Friday: Pizza
Screamin’ Sicilian frozen pizzas are (1) delicious and (2) usually above my self-imposed frozen-pizza price-acceptability guidelines, but they were super-crazy on sale this week.

How was your weekend? I hope it was fun and free of feline-related hijinks and/or injury.

Looking for more inspiration? Check out the Menu Plan Monday link up at OrgJunkie.com!