Tag Archives: lists

Things to do by 2018

Maggie of Mighty Girl is making a list of “100 Things to Do Before I Go” (part one, part two, part three). She has some pretty lofty stuff on there, like “know basic Mandarin,” “safari in Africa” and “stay in the ice hotel.”

When I first saw her list, I decided that I didn’t want to make one of my own. I like to be able to cross things off my lists, and I didn’t want to have a list full of things like “See the Kremlin” or “Visit Petra,” “learn to fly” or “have Jeff Tweedy over for dinner.” I also didn’t much like the thought of coming up with 100 things to do. But then I thought, “Heck. It’s my list. Think smaller!”

So instead, here’s a list of 20 things to do before Nov. 4, 2018. On which date I’ll turn 40.

    1. Make my own cream soda. (Done! And then I couldn’t stop doing it for awhile, because it was so delicious.)
    2. Spend a week in Paris with Rockford.
    3. See Wilco at the Ryman.
    4. See Wilco in Chicago.
    5. Make a quilt.
    6. Spend a night on a train. (It wasn’t an overnight trip, but it was 11 hours long. And I did fall asleep for a bit.)
    7. Spend a week in NYC with Rockford.
    8. Karaoke.
    9. Pay for a stranger’s dinner.
    10. Buy a house.
    11. Be an extra in a movie. (A Wes Anderson movie, if I’m dreaming big. Which I’m not supposed to be doing.)
    12. Make a wedding cake.
    13. Work on a Habitat house.
    14. Take the White House tour.
    15. Grow my own vegetables.
    16. Participate in TV Turnoff week without cheating.
    17. Lose 30 pounds.
    18. Write a short story. Let someone other than Rockford read it.
    19. Build and furnish a dollhouse.
    20. Go somewhere tropical and lovely. Relax.

Do you have a life list, or a 10-year list, or anything like it? What’s on it? What have you already crossed off?

Four things

Amy sent me an email forward titled “Four Things About Me: Things you may not have known about me.” I filled it out as ordered and sent it back to her. Then I decided to post most of it here, too. And I added a catch: One item in each category isn’t true! Ha! Can you spot the fake?

Four jobs I have had in my life
1. movie theater concessionaire
2. phone psychic
3. Mary Kay lady
4. hotel desk clerk

Four Movies I have watched over and over
1. Groundhog Day
2. Shawshank Redemption
3. The Shining
4. Weekend at Bernie’s

Four places I have lived
1. Franklin NC
2. Columbia MO
3. Bay City MI
4. Asheville NC

Four TV shows I love to watch
1. The Bachelor
2. Dancing with the Stars
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Lost

Four places I have been on vacation
1. Baudette, MN
2. Pigeon Forge, TN
3. Paris, France
4. Branson, MO

Four of my favorite foods
1. crab rangoon
2. nachos
3. banana pudding
4. ice cream

Four places I would rather be right now
1. Holland
2. I’m very happy where I am
3. I could tell you some people I would like to have here with me.
4. But that wasn’t the question, was it?