Tag Archives: COVID19

I wish I had leftover flank steak every night

I am not at all surprised that I’ve done a poor job with my Journal Every Day plan. But I have been keeping the family fed and changing out of my pajamas every day, so I’m calling it a win.

Here’s what we’re eating this week:

Monday: Steak tacos
I grilled a flank steak for Easter dinner, and we reheated the leftovers with some onions and peppers for dinner tonight. It was scrumptious.
Tuesday: Hot dogs
Tomorrow’s dinner will be considerably less fancy than tonight’s was.
Wednesday: Red curry meatballs
I’m going to make some chicken meatballs with garlic and ginger, and then I’m going to serve them with Trader Joe’s red curry sauce. I’ve only ever used the sauce to make soup before. Hopefully it’ll work well on its own.
Thursday: Breakfast for dinner
I’m declaring it Rockford’s night to cook dinner. He makes a mighty fine pancake.
Friday: Pizza
The dairy-free frozen pizza I had last week gave me a stomachache, so I’ll have something else. Cereal, perhaps.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at Org Junkie.

Our daily schedule, more or less

Our governor issued a stay-at-home order for the whole state effective Monday afternoon. I’m not sure why it wasn’t effective Friday afternoon. I guess you’ve got to give the virus a little more time to get around. Anyway, I don’t think it’s going to affect us all that much. We’ve been staying at home for about 10 days already, but hopefully the people who’ve been going about their normal routines will cut it out now.

Our daily routine these days looks something like this:

  • Rockford gets up about the same time he used to. He showers and gets dressed, then heads to the dining room table or the sun room to start his work day.
  • I wake up around 7:30 or 8 or 8:30 and very slowly get out of bed, shower and get dressed. There’s a lot of “slowly” in that equation.
  • Pete is generally up around 8. He plays video games until family meeting.
  • Someone waked Poppy up around 9.
  • At 9:30, we gather at the dining room table for Family Meeting. The kids look at all their school assignments for the day, and Rockford tells us what time he’ll be available for lunch.
  • The kids do their schoolwork, Rockford does his work-work, and I …
  • We come back to the dining room table for lunch sometime between noon and 1, depending on Rockford’s schedule. It’s been nice having lunch together.
  • Once the kids are done with their schoolwork for the day, they play video games or watch TV. I’d like to say they do wildly constructive things, but that would not be accurate.
  • I still haven’t given my own day any structure, really. I’m reading, doing laundry, playing Scrabble with my dad on Facebook and making food. And spending too much time on social media. Maybe I’ll try to do something about that next week.I finished Emily St. John Mandel’s new book “The Glass Hotel” this afternoon. It was fine, but I didn’t love it as much as her “Station Eleven.” I usually read it once every few years, but seeing as it’s about people living in a post-pandemic landscape I’ll probably not revisit it soon.

    Just a few things

    Good things

  • Pete reading “Something Wicked This Way Comes” in the hammock.
  • A salad.
  • A beautiful sunset.
  • Zoe the cat requesting an intense scratching session.
  • Watching the finale of “The Good Place.”