Tag Archives: 52frames

What’s black and white and snowy all over? This week’s 52Frames photo.

Last week’s 52Frames theme was “Black and White,” and once again I didn’t even take my camera out for a go at it. I’m hoping I’ll find my enthusiasm for this project once the weather stops being so insistently unpleasant.

We had a good bit of snow last week, and the neighborhood kids took to the hills to enjoy it. It was only around until mid-afternoon, so I’m glad we went out when we did! I took this photo with my iPhone and converted it to black and white using Aviary.

52Frames, week 9: Black and White "Snow Day"
52Frames, week 9: Black and White
“Snow Day”

Pete and Poppy are growing so quickly that it’s a rare occasion to look at them and think “Oh they’re so small!” I like that the trees and the expanse of sky in the photo show that they are, indeed, still little guys. I also like the textures that popped out when I converted it to black and white.

Dinner diversion

It was bound to happen, and frankly I’m a little surprised that it didn’t happen sooner. I phoned in last week’s 52Frames picture. Literally. And figuratively.

The theme was “Rule of Odds,” which says an odd number of subjects are more pleasing to the eye than an even number. I had a very difficult time thinking of something to photograph, and to be honest I didn’t really put much effort into thinking about it. Then we went out for pizza, and they gave the kids little packs of crayons with their menus. Little packs that contained precisely three crayons. So I rolled ’em over toward me snapped a picture with my phone and called it a week.

52frames, week 7: rule of odds “Dinner diversion"
52frames, week 7: rule of odds
“Dinner diversion”

I forgot to submit it to the 52Frames site, so I guess their official records will show that I’ve missed a week. If they have official records. But I know I took the picture, and you know I took the picture, so all is well.

It’s a Love Story, baby just say ‘cheese’

52frames week 6: Love Story

Last week’s 52Frames theme was “Love Story,” and I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do with it. I talked a couple of my friends’ teenagers into modeling for me as Heathcliff and Catherine from “Wuthering Heights” — Catherine was a willing participant, but I had to bribe Heathcliff with promises of beef jerky — and we ventured out to the arboretum.

This was my first effort at using models who aren’t also my relatives, and I was very, very nervous about it. The kids were good sports even though it was cold and muddy and I didn’t know what I was doing. I rushed things a bit, and I think the pictures reflect that. They came out OK, but they’re not exactly what I wanted them to be.

Here’s the one I submitted to 52Frames:

52frames, week 6: love story “Heathcliff & Catherine, 2015"
52frames, week 6: love story
“Heathcliff & Catherine, 2015″

The more I look at it, the less I think it captures the Heathcliff/Catherine dynamic. But I like the light and the expressions on their faces. I wanted to give the image kind of a cinematic feel, but I think I over-processed it. What do you think?