A song for Cindy

Rockford’s song for the Cindy Crawford Rooms to Go ad (to the tone of “Can’t Get You Out of My Head”):

I’m Cindy Crawford
Now I’m three
There goes one of me.

Now I’m sitting on this couch
There’s another one of me over there
And there’s the third me sittin’ on that rug.

OK, so maybe it was funnier in person. He sings a new song every time he sees the ad.

Wiki Wednesday: SuperGrid!

1. Go to Wikipedia.
2. Click on “Random article” in the left-hand sidebar box.
3. Post it!

The SuperGrid is a proposed power grid which would use liquid hydrogen both as a fuel source and as insulation around the advanced powerlines so as to cool them down and render them superconducting.

A little something started by Verbatim.

History lesson

This site began as an assignment. A few days after Al Gore invented the Internet, I took a class in writing for the Web. One of the requirements was that I have my own Web site. I registered {lastname}.net a little while before Rockford and I were married. (What can I say? I’m optimistic.) It was used mainly as a holding ground for our resumes and my portfolio for a long time. Somewhere in the ensuing five or six years (I wasn’t really keeping records), it became more of a personal site. Then, before they went by that awful name, I started reading “blogs,” and a while later I found Blogger. And I thought, “That looks alot easier than coding all of this by hand.”

So I signed up.

And a lot of stuff happened in between. We had a baby. Rockford graduated. We moved. We moved again.

I started the site because I wanted to pass a class. I started a blog because I’m geeky and wanted our Web site to be prettier with less effort. I maintain the site as a blog because it’s an easy way to keep our friends and family up to date without having to, you know, talk to them.* And because I’m still geeky.

*Kidding! I love you! I like talking to you! Really! But I don’t like talking on the phone. It’s not you. It’s me. I do love you, though.