Category Archives: Homeschool

Learning at home with a second-grader and a fifth-grader.

I could’ve done without all the snake references

This week’s “Five in a Row” book was “When I Was Young in the Mountains” by Cynthia Rylant. It’s set in the Appalachian region years and years and years ago, before electricity, plumbing and, apparently, snake deterrent. Having grown up in the same region — with indoor plumbing, electricity and a dearth of snake sightings, happily — I was pretty excited about exploring its history with Poppy. We listened to a lot of bluegrass this week and read a few Jack tales in addition to our regularly scheduled activities.

I’ve been trying to jot down some notes on each day as we go along, but I didn’t do that very consistently this week. I’m sure you’ll be able to tell on which days I neglected to do it! Here’s what we did this week:
Continue reading I could’ve done without all the snake references

Her navigational skills already exceed her mother’s

Our “Five in a Row” book this week was “Follow the Drinking Gourd,” a story about the Underground Railroad. I was somewhat hesitant to discuss slavery with a 5-year-old. But discuss it we did. I tried to emphasize the kindness and humanity of those who helped rather than talking all that much about what the slaves were escaping.

We ended up not doing many of the FIAR-suggested activities this week. Here’s what we did do:
Continue reading Her navigational skills already exceed her mother’s

I’m not sure how long I can handle the puppetry

Our first week of the 2010-11 school year went quite well. I’m trying to be more relaxed with our schedule this year. Last year I wanted to sit down in the morning and get everything I had planned finished before we moved on to anything else. home/schoolThat wasn’t a terrible thing, but here’s what we’re doing this year: A little work, a break, a little work, a break, etc. and so on until bedtime. It’s easier on Poppy, who is a wiggly, energetic girl with the attention span of, well, a kindergartner. It’s easier on Pete, who only has to keep quiet(ish) for short pockets throughout the day. And it’s easier on Mommy, who always has an easier day when the children aren’t irritable. And being frustrated with or about schoolwork? That makes for irritable children.

The only real complication we had this week was yesterday. I watch a friend’s 2-year-old on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. She was here Monday through Friday until last week, but we adjusted the schedule because Poppy has mid-day activities on Wednesdays and Thursdays now. Anyway, Monday and Tuesday went fine with her here, but I think Fridays might be difficult. The kids were both really excited to see Addy after she wasn’t here for a few days, and Poppy had a hard time concentrating while Addy and Pete were playing without her. So I’m going to need to figure that out.

Anywho: Our roundup. Since Monday was our First Day of School, I gave it its own post. Here’s what we did for the rest of the week: Continue reading I’m not sure how long I can handle the puppetry