Category Archives: menu plan Monday

Tried and true? Or in a rut?

** In non-menu planning news: I wrote a review of “Autism’s False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure.” It’s on my reviews page. You should go read it. **

Menu Plan Monday logoI’ve fallen into a rut again with the menu planning. I think chicken taco soup has been on the menu for the last three weeks. (To be fair, though, we didn’t actually have it last week.) My future sister-in-law gave me some back issues of Rachael Ray magazine, so next week we should be trying something new. For this week, though, it’s five days of standbys.

Monday: Chicken taco soup

Tuesday: Moe’s. Our local Moe’s has a kids night on Tuesdays, so we’re going to let Poppy have a mid-week quesadilla.

Wednesday: Fish stick po’ boys

Thursday: Spaghetti

Friday: Pizza

In search of fast foods

Menu Plan Monday logoEver since the Olympics, Poppy has been pretending to be a gymnast. She runs through the living room, then falls down and flops around a little. When I ask what she’s doing, she says, “I run and fall down. That’s how I do Olympics.” Her first gymnastic class is this evening. We’re hoping the teacher is able to refine the falling-down sequence of her routine.

I’m also hoping that the class won’t mean that we end up grabbing fast food on the way there. So Mondays from here on out will be Quick ‘N’ Easy nights. What’s your favorite fast, homemade meal?

Monday: Grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Tuesday: Nachos. This is what happens when you notice tortilla chips in the pantry and frozen taco meat in the freezer!

Wednesday: dinner with friends

Thursday: Chicken taco soup

Friday: Pizza