Category Archives: National Blog Posting Month

This is the painkiller

NaBloPoMo!Yesterday, I wrenched my back trying to carry a wiggly and non-cooperative 2-year-old up the stairs. Today I’ve been hobbling around like an old, old lady. In looking through the medicine cabinet, I found a bottle of generic Percoset from when Petey was born. It says “discard after 11/08/08,” which the keen-eyed among you might note was just over a year ago. Does that mean it will be the end of me if I take one? I probably won’t take one regardless, but I’m curious.

Also, how do you discard old medicine? I don’t really want to just throw it in the trash (tranquilized beast), but I also don’t want to flush it down the toilet (drugged fish).

Ten Songs for Moving with Great Trepidation

  1. Birds and Ships, Wilco
  2. Blacklisted, Neko Case
  3. Peace Like a River, Elizabeth Mitchell
  4. Jump Rope Jive, Beth Andrien
  5. In God’s Country, U2
  6. You Do, Amy Mann
  7. My Lady’s House, Sun Kil Moon
  8. Walk Like an Egyptian, The Bangles
  9. Belfast to Boston, James Taylor
  10. Coalminers, Uncle Tupelo

Post No. 1837


  • Simple Mom is hosting a Lisa Leonard giveaway. She makes super-cute jewelry.
  • Bio-diversity” by Christopher Niemann.
  • Ten Songs for Doing Math and Getting Ready for Tae Kwon Do

    1. I’m an Animal, Neko Case.
    2. The Rising Surf, Richie Allen and the Pacific Surfers
    3. Baby It’s Cold Outside, Dean Martin
    4. That Lonesome Road, James Taylor
    5. Hardest Geometry Problem in the World, Mark Mothersbaugh
    6. Fire and Rain, James Taylor
    7. Spiders, Wilco
    8. Go Find Your Saint, Frank Black
    9. Now the Day is Over, The Innocence Mission
    10. Short Skirt, Long Jacket, Cake

Eleven songs for a gray and rainsome day


  1. Poor Boy, David Byrne and Brian Eno. This entire album is good for rainy days.
  2. Daddy Went Walkin’, Neil Young. Poppy asked to listen to “Old King” three times in a row in the car this morning. This one reminds me of that one. Probably because they both feature dogs.
  3. Blue Bayou, Linda Ronstadt. I love to sing along to this song. I am, however, surprised that I don’t hear howling dogs and screeching cats when I attempt that final note.
  4. Goodbye, So Long, Farewell, Music Together.
  5. That’s Right (You’re Not from Texas), Lyle Lovett. But Texas wants you anyway.
  6. Wonderful, Sam Cooke. I originally typed “cookie.” One-track mind.
  7. Night Sight, Air. I once saw Air filed as “Air, French Band” in a record store. Now I can’t think of the band as just “Air.”
  8. Zousan (Little Elephant), Elizabeth Mitchell. My iPod loves this song. It plays it at least once a day.
  9. You Don’t Know How It Feels, Tom Petty
  10. Be My Covering, Bebo Normal
  11. Yogurt Stand, Poppy. What, you’ve never heard “Yogurt Stand”? It’s the dance sensation that’s sweepin’ the nation. Not on my iPod (yet) but still awesome and heard frequently in my kitchen.

Yogurt stand
I really want to spin around
and it’s fun if I want to
and I love playing with “Another celebrated dancing bear”
and I love it so much
that I feel like spinning right now
‘Cmon and spin with me
wooo wooo woooo
If you wanna spin around
just ask a grown up
Falling down, cha cha cha!