All posts by Nichole

Out and about

It was a beautiful day in our neighborhood today, so we took Poppy out to the park. She was due for a nap, and I figured she’d fall asleep on the way there. She didn’t, and she was a little bit crabby while we were there. She did fall asleep on the way back home, and she was sleeping in the stroller until just now.

Farewell, Mr. Limpet

There’s always been a special place in my heart for Don Knotts, and that little place hurt a little today when I read that he’d died. Here are a few reasons why:

  • “The New Scooby Doo Movies” (“The Spooky Fog” and “Guess Who’s Knott Coming to Dinner”)
  • “The Andy Griffith Show”
  • “The Incredible Mr. Limpet”
  • “The Ghost and Mr. Chicken”
  • “The Apple Dumpling Gang”
  • A chicken-centric dilemma

    It’s just the first week of Flab-Be-Gone ’06, and it already feels like I’ve blown it.

    Poor planning is very often my downfall, weigh-loss-wise. Yesterday, I did plan to eat nachos, and I thought that would be OK. I still had 17 Flex Points to get me through to Tuesday and I was going to Jazzercise this morning.

    I didn’t Jazzercise. We didn’t have anything planned for lunch, so I ended up eating three chicken strips and onion rings from our local BBQ. Now I’m facing zero Flex Points for the rest of my WW week unless I forgo dinner tonight. Which is scheduled to be a yogurt and the two leftover chicken strips from lunch.