All posts by Nichole

The Pittsnoggle blues

Rockford has been forcing me to watch (or at least pretend to watch) a lot of basketball lately. With Duke and Gonzaga dropping out of contention, my Final Four has fallen apart. Next year, maybe I’ll try a new method of picking teams (this year it was Which Name Sounds Snappier). Claire at might not have hit upon a fail-proof method, but at least it’s funny.
Here is part one, and here is part two.

"If you can’t breathe, you can’t help anybody."

CHICAGO (AP) — Researchers say they’ve shown for the first time that treating a mother’s depression can help prevent depression and anxiety disorders in her child …

Depression runs in families and has a strong genetic component, but environmental factors can trigger it. The study results indicate that for children of depressed mothers, that trigger is sometimes their mothers’ illness acting up, said lead author Myrna Weissman, a researcher at Columbia University and New York Psychiatric Institute.

Effective treatment for mothers could mean their children might avoid the need for prescription antidepressants, the researchers said.

“Depressed parents should be treated vigorously. It’s a two-fer — the impact is not only on them but it’s also on their children,” Weissman said.

… The results are “very plausible and very convincing and very useful,” said Dr. Nada Stotland, vice president of the American Psychiatric Association and a psychiatry professor at Rush Medical College in Chicago.

“Our society gives a lot of lip service to how important mothers are but in fact we don’t always appreciate just how profound their effects on their children are,” said Stotland, who was not involved in the study.

While mothers often tend to put their own needs last, this research “is a good argument for them to take care of themselves first,” she said. “It’s a little like putting your own oxygen mask on first on the airplane. If you can’t breathe, you can’t help anybody.”

Here is the article in full.