All posts by Guest User

My take on the Mad Chronic of Narnia

To start with: TCON is not just LOTR for kids. The two films can’t help but be compared given their subject matter but to call The Chronicles of Narnia as just the lite version of LOTR is to degrade a very good film. “The Chronic” is fun, exciting, and most of all it uses interesting and well drawn characters to tell the most important story ever told. The only mark I can find against the film version of TCON is, astonishingly, the effects. The story stands on its own and the characters are timeless but given all the money spent on this film (upwards of $180 million) the effects fall flat in places. However, this small setback is not enough to hamper the film as a whole and in most places the effects are truly amazing (such as the final battle scene). Overall, I would recommend this movie to anyone and feel confident in my recommendation.

Poppy reads

Poppy decided that she would like to read a book while she had some tummy time today. She read Barnyard Dance and was very pleased with herself! I was pretty darn happy myself!