We’ve entered a new era in homeschooling

It’s been a good long while since I wrote a This Week In Homeschooling post, and that’s because this semester the kids have more outsourced work than ever before. We joined a new co-op that’s much more academically focused than the one we’ve been doing for years. We’re still doing math, history, spelling and some science at home, and between the new co-op and the classes Poppy was already taking downtown a good bit of our school time at home is dedicated to doing homework.

Here are a few highlights from the week:


The kids had their final Odyssey of the Mind meeting before the regional competition. I think they’re both kind of relieved that they’re nearing the finish line. We listened to our “Story of the World” chapter on the way to and from the meeting. We learned about Pedro II, who was the second and last emperor of Brazil and seems like a pretty good leader.


Poppy’s OM team came over for a few hours to practice some spontaneous problems and run through their script a few more times.


Poppy went off to her classes downtown while a sickly Pete convalesced in his room all day.


Thursday is New Co-op Day. Poppy’s literature class is reading “To Kill a Mockingbird,” she learned a little about Elvis in History of Rock ‘n’ Roll, and she discussed India in world geography (which I’m teaching). Pete’s reading “The Boxcar Children” for literature, and he played soccer in Sports & Games, learned about Venus in astronomy and took apart a computer tower in his technology class.


Poppy had a piano lesson earlier today, and Pete had a session with his spelling tutor. We learned about The Pantanal via a very short history project, and the kids did some homework. And then we ended the school day early because it’s beautiful outside and they wanted to go enjoy it.

We used one of those origami fortune-teller gizmos to learn about animals that live in The Pantanal.

Want to peek into some other homeschoolers’ lives? Check out the weekly roundup at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers!

Ophiophobia and home decor

“Hey Pete, I had an idea! I’m going to put your mattress on the bottom of your bed and turn the top into a loft for you to hang out on.”


“What? It would be cool! Why not?”

“I heard people talking about a news story where snakes came out of a toilet and if a snake comes out of our toilet I don’t want it to be able to get in my bed.”

Seriously, though, when’s the last time our menu plan was complicated?

Three-quarters of our household has been sick for at least one day since Thursday, and not all with the same illness. So it was kind of a weird weekend. I was out of commission for most of it. I’m still coughing and congested, but it’s getting a little better. This week’s menu plan is ultra-simple, though, just in case.

Monday: Honey-Teriyaki Chicken
I’m using a Blue Dragon sauce packet with chicken, carrots and red pepper.

Tuesday: Sweet potato gnocchi
This one caught my eye on a list of Things You Need to Try at Trader Joe’s. I’m going to serve it with a salad.

Wednesday: Sandwiches
Most likely a choice of ham or grilled cheese. Or maybe chicken salad. I haven’t decided yet.

Thursday: Tacos
This is Pete’s pick almost every week.

Friday: Pizza
It’s Pizza and a Movie night! And it’s my turn to pick the movie! I’ve been on a nice run of ’80s movies — “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” and “ET” were my last two picks. What should we watch this week?

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie.