This is the painkiller

NaBloPoMo!Yesterday, I wrenched my back trying to carry a wiggly and non-cooperative 2-year-old up the stairs. Today I’ve been hobbling around like an old, old lady. In looking through the medicine cabinet, I found a bottle of generic Percoset from when Petey was born. It says “discard after 11/08/08,” which the keen-eyed among you might note was just over a year ago. Does that mean it will be the end of me if I take one? I probably won’t take one regardless, but I’m curious.

Also, how do you discard old medicine? I don’t really want to just throw it in the trash (tranquilized beast), but I also don’t want to flush it down the toilet (drugged fish).

Ten Songs for Moving with Great Trepidation

  1. Birds and Ships, Wilco
  2. Blacklisted, Neko Case
  3. Peace Like a River, Elizabeth Mitchell
  4. Jump Rope Jive, Beth Andrien
  5. In God’s Country, U2
  6. You Do, Amy Mann
  7. My Lady’s House, Sun Kil Moon
  8. Walk Like an Egyptian, The Bangles
  9. Belfast to Boston, James Taylor
  10. Coalminers, Uncle Tupelo