This was only slightly more interesting as it happened.

In a moment of daring and great self-confidence, I bought this pattern last fall, thinking that I would breezily make several of them to outfit Poppy for the spring.

I unfolded the pattern yesterday and looked it over. Then I cut out the pieces, folded them up, set them aside and went off to have a bowl of ice cream and a good chuckle at the expense of Daring Nichole. She’s so delusional.

Oh, but that’s not the end! I pulled everything back out today and tried to sew! First I made a crooked denim tube. Then I threw it in the floor and cut out the “yoke” pieces again. And it worked! (More or less.) And then I got confused! And I think I attached it the wrong way! So I stopped!

Now the parts are folded up again. And so they shall remain until my mother-in-law comes over to help me.

Spontaneity is too stressful

Menu Plan Monday logoRockford has been taking the kids to the grocery store on Saturday mornings while I’m at work. His grocery methodology differs slightly from mine. I like to have a very comprehensive list. He does not. He freestyles his way through the grocery store, picking up this and that and figuring out what will become of it later.

It’s a difficult approach for me. Not having the Full and Complete List of Meals with All Ingredients on Hand makes it 98 percent more likely that we’ll go out to eat. Which I don’t oppose in theory, but in practice it requires money.

Anywho. Here’s what I think we’ll be having for dinner this week.

Monday: Tacos
Rockford bought a “taco kit,” which means that we definitely have everything we need for this one.

Tuesday: Blackened tilapia and mashed potatoes

Wednesday: Indian Butter Chicken
I’m pretty sure we don’t have any evaporated milk. I’ll be sure to pick up an extra can of it, though, so I can make this, too.

Thursday: Kung Pao Chicken
This is a maybe. I know we have some more chicken in the freezer, but I’m not sure about some of the other stuff.

I’m thinking I need to rework my meal-planning system so that Rockford has a list to take with him on Saturdays. Winging it really isn’t my forte.

Seeq and ye shall find

I could easily waste a few hours at SeeqPod. You type in a band or musician, and it gives you a great big list of audio files it finds on the Internet. Naturally, I searched for Wilco and Jeff Tweedy. I wish I could download “A Simple Twist of Fate.” It’s really lovely. “Either Way” is one of Poppy’s favorite songs, and “Don’t Fear the Reaper” is one of Rockford’s. That always makes me laugh. He’s a goon.

SeeqPod – Playable Search