
Menu Plan Monday logoPoppy is a big fan of Sandra Boynton’s work. She loves to go to the Boynton site and “look at the little books with Grandma,” who introduced her to the nonsensical books and music. The songs are great fun. One in particular seems most appropriate today. I didn’t think I had all that much on my to-do list today, but I’ve been “BusyBusyBusy” all day anyway.

very very busy
and we’ve got a lot to do
and we haven’t got a minute
to explain it all to you
for on Sunday Monday Tuesday
there are people we must see
and on Wednesday Thursday Friday
we’re as busy as can be!

Click here to listen to the song — sung by Kevin Klein — and to watch the mighty amusing video.

And without any sort of segue, here’s this week’s menu:

Monday: Chili

Tuesday: Pot Roast Pot Pie

Wednesday: Pizza

Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner

Friday: Out

Birthday surprise

We celebrated my mother-in-law’s birthday with a surprise party at our place this weekend. The apartment is a little small for a gathering of 6 kids and 12 adults, but it went swimmingly anyway.

Aunt Judy

Aunt Judy passed away this evening. I know that she was in so much pain, and I know that she’s in a better place now. But it still hurts.