Of all the stupid …

There was a note on the door today from the apartment management, saying:

This is a friendly reminder that we can not use the balcony for storage. Please remove the toys from your balcony.

Here’s what’s on the patio: Poppy’s picnic table; a Mickey Mouse ball; and a tricycle. All of which we use on a regular basis, on the patio.

I’m wondering, did the people who have patio tables and plants on their balconies get this notice, too? There is not room in my hormonal brain to deal with this right now.

Charming Mommy

Poppy did not nap today. She did not nap, but she did play quietly for about an hour in her bed. Then I heard her doorknob rattle. I opened the door and knelt down to intercept her.

“May I help you?” I asked. She leaned in and gave me three kisses.

“I loooooove you,” she said.