Friday Feast

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you like your job?

    I’m a newspaper copy editor, and all of the negativity gets me down, man. I know it’s important to know what’s going on in the world, but if I had a choice, I certainly wouldn’t inundate myself with current events. There are alot of things that I’d have been just as well not knowing.

    So up until this week, I would’ve said 3 or 4. Next week is my last week on the job, though, so I’m feeling more positive about things than I have in a long while. So this week, I feel 6 about my job.

When was the last time you think you were lied to?

    I don’t know. I try not to dwell on things like that. Forgive and forget, turn the other cheek, etc.

Share some lyrics from one of your favorite songs.

    All I can be is a busy sea
    Of spinning wheels and hands that feel for
    Stones to throw and feet that run but
    Come back home
    It made no difference
    Ever known, it made no difference
    Ever known to me

    But if I could you know I would
    Just hold your hand and you’d understand
    I’m the man who loves you.
    (Wilco, “I’m the Man Who Loves You“)

Main Course
What do you do/take when you are in pain?

    Aleve, ibuprofen and chocolate.

Fill in the blanks:

    My living room is very full of boxes.

The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to “feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions.”

Where I’m From

A lovely poem called “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyons has turned into a meme, somewhat. Here are a bunch of different versions at Finding Joy in the Morning. And here is mine:

Where I’m From
with apologies to George Ella Lyons

I am from mountains, from Nintendo and well-worn pages.

I am from the humble home
with the crooked floors and
snakes in the walls.

I am from the dogwood, the ginseng.

I am from laughter and sturdy legs,
from Richard Maurice and Ellen Kaye.

I am from the hot tempers and soft hearts.

From “your brother has the prettiest eyes”
and “you look just like your mama.”

I am from “Lord watch over us and bless us
with health, safety and happiness amen.”

I’m from North Carolina and Michigan
and Belgium and Ireland and England
and cookie pudding and fried taters.

From the finger my grandmother lost,
and sunflowers as high as I could see
and my mother falling through
the Michigan ice.

I am from the old house, a box in the closet,
a thousand faceless names in my
family tree.


I don’t know whether I’ve mentioned it here, but I can’t wait to see “Snakes on a Plane.” I read about it on the AP wire many, many months ago, and I’ve been so happy to see that it’s become such a hit on the Internet — even before it’s come out.

The good people at SoaP have picked up on the Internet buzz, and they’ve decided (last I read, at least) to include one fan’s song on the SoaP soundtrack.

DCLugi’s effort is by far my favorite. I first saw it on the Church of the Customer blog, and I’ll give you the same warning they gave their readers: Turn down the volume if you’re at work. And if you have sensitive ears, don’t watch it at all. It’s about Samuel L. Jackson, so of course there are a few F-bombs sprinkled about.

You’ve been warned.