Reading list

I frequently read a review of a book I’d like to read, then promptly forget about it and find myself wandering the library in a daze and settling for something like “St. Dale (really! I did! Please spare yourself!). I generally trust the recommendations of Matthew Baldwin, but he hasn’t mentioned anything new recently. So I was forced to find someone else’s list to poach.

I’ve been on a bit of a Ayelet Waldman kick recently (the result of a library-wandering with a more pleasant outcome than the aforementioned horror), and I was delighted to find a booklog on her Web site. It’s a list of and a few comments on about a gazillion books she’s read in the last five or so years. I had already wanted to read many of them, and she very kindly and unknowingly reminded me of them.

I’m always on the lookout for good books to add to my list (which is now Officially Written Down [or at least typed] over yonder in the sidebar), so please toss any recommendations my way.