I started the week by getting the wrong book from the library

home/schoolIt kind of feels like we didn’t do all that much worth writing home about this week. I know it’s all valuable material that Poppy’s covering, but it’s pretty much the same week-to-week at this point. I need to rejuvenate, I think. Anyway:

  • Poppy did her handwriting exercises every day, as usual. She’s nearly finished with her handwriting book. I’m not sure whether I’m going to order the next book or just do copywork from here on out. I’m leaning toward copywork.
  • She’s doing really well with her Spanish lessons. I don’t know that she could carry on a full conversation in Spanish yet, but she could definitely tell you whether el hombre comiendo manzanas or fresa.
  • We started the “deference” section of “Character Building for Families.” Poppy has very strong leadership qualities — read: she’s bossy — so I’m hoping this sinks in for her.
  • She memorized “The Window” by Walter de la Mare this week. It’s kind of a creepy poem. I told her that I’d make a DVD of all of her recitations, so I’ve been learning iMovie this week, too.
  • Poppy’s BookIt challenge this month is to read 100 pages. She’s starting with “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.” We also started a new chapter book this week: “The Water-Horse” by Dick King-Smith. It was made into a movie a few years ago. I saw it with my niece when it came out, but I don’t remember much about it. So I’m not sure whether or not we’ll put it on the Netflix when we’re finished reading the book.