Hello January, hello 2013

Why, hello there! It’s been awhile. I hope you had a lovely, peaceful holiday season. We were guests, and we had guests, and we were guests again; we showered one another with gifts; and it was all hectic and pretty great.

Here are a few things I accomplished during my unplanned blog hiatus:

  • We went to Indiana to visit Rockford’s grandmother & aunt, and Poppy and I were sidelined by a stomach virus. I do not recommend a 6-hour drive home under such conditions.
  • I made another buche de noel, and it was no prettier than the first time I made it. It was tasty, though.
  • I installed a new belt on the vacuum cleaner.
  • I installed the Mountain Lion operating system on my Mac and in the process lost access to Word and Excel. I did not see that coming. Also, the touchpad scrolling seems to be in exactly the opposite direction from my old OS, and while I’m sure I’ll get used to it, it’s been a little irritating in the 45 minutes since I finished the install.
  • Our garage door started doing a weird, twitchy, jumpy thing.
  • I won an iPad mini from Virtual Piggy. (!)
  • So, all ye iPad users, what apps do you recommend? I’m looking for helpful and productive things, and I plan to not load any games at all onto it so that it remains my iPad. (Terrible but true fact: I’m possessive of my tech toys.)

    3 thoughts on “Hello January, hello 2013”

    1. Congrats on winning the iPad mini! And glad to hear that you are feeling better. The stomach flu is never fun, but especially when on vacation.

    2. I am a news junkie, so I have all the news apps downloaded- Slate, NY Times, Washington Post. Not very interesting, but they keep me entertained. I also have ridiculous amounts of games for the kids.

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