Category Archives: Eating

Chomp it up.

This week in eating

Monday: Spinach, Sausage and White Bean Soup
I have a standing meeting on Monday nights, so I designated it Crockpot day. I very frequently forget to attend the meeting, but Crockpot day still stands. I’ve made this soup before, and it is somehow hearty and light at the same time. Today I’m making breadsticks to go with it. It’s an Olive Garden copycat recipe, and the dough is rising right this moment. I’m pretty excited.
Tuesday: Shrimp Scampi
Sometimes you just need a vehicle for lots of butter and garlic. This week, shrimp is that vehicle.
Wednesday: Breakfast burritos
Scrambled eggs, cheese and breakfast sausage wrapped up in a tortilla. Dinner is served. Or breakfast. Whatever.
Thursday: White veggie chili
I can’t believe there was a time when I planned weekly menus without Chrissy Teigen recipes.
Friday: Food from the outside world
Last week it was sandwiches. This week? Who knows!

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at Org Junkie.

Here’s what we’re eating this week

Monday: Pasta e Fagioli
One symptom of aging seems to be developing a love of a good soup. Insert shrug emoji here.
Tuesday: Roasted sausages and veggies
I find myself with an abundance of potatoes at present. This could probably be called Roasted potatoes with a few bites of sausage.
Wednesday: Meatball subs
This will mark the end of the meatballs I have in the freezer.
Thursday: Tacos
Pete’s half-birthday is on Thursday, and he asked if we could celebrate with tacos.
Friday: Food from the outside world
We’ve been ordering out once a week, and I love it. We’ll be voting on this week’s restaurant on Thursday night.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at Org Junkie.

I wish I had leftover flank steak every night

I am not at all surprised that I’ve done a poor job with my Journal Every Day plan. But I have been keeping the family fed and changing out of my pajamas every day, so I’m calling it a win.

Here’s what we’re eating this week:

Monday: Steak tacos
I grilled a flank steak for Easter dinner, and we reheated the leftovers with some onions and peppers for dinner tonight. It was scrumptious.
Tuesday: Hot dogs
Tomorrow’s dinner will be considerably less fancy than tonight’s was.
Wednesday: Red curry meatballs
I’m going to make some chicken meatballs with garlic and ginger, and then I’m going to serve them with Trader Joe’s red curry sauce. I’ve only ever used the sauce to make soup before. Hopefully it’ll work well on its own.
Thursday: Breakfast for dinner
I’m declaring it Rockford’s night to cook dinner. He makes a mighty fine pancake.
Friday: Pizza
The dairy-free frozen pizza I had last week gave me a stomachache, so I’ll have something else. Cereal, perhaps.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at Org Junkie.