The January to-do list

The December list was all fun stuff, but I was still (pleasantly) surprised that we actually did the majority of the things on it. Maybe there’s something to this list-making stuff after all.

So I thought maybe I’d make a list for January, too.

  1. Reorganize my “office.” It’s actually just a closet, but it’s a very functional closet. And right now, it’s a very cluttered and disorganized one.
  2. Paint the living room and hang pictures. I’ve gotten as far as picking a color, buying a sample, putting it on the wall in a few places and then deciding I don’t like it. (I need something that looks nice with the “Vanilla Brandy” on the walls in the dining area and the light sagey green drapes. Suggestions are welcome.)
  3. Put the Christmas stuff away.
  4. Start “Five in a Row” with Pete. (Done!)
  5. Reinstate the poetry memorization work with Poppy; start it with Pete. (Done!)
  6. Finish unpacking everything in the basement. Rockford actually made a ton of progress toward this one right after I made the list.
  7. Lose 5 pounds.