So I’m thinkin’ about Don Henley

forgive by russelldavies, on flickr.

30daysSo. That 30 Days of Truth thing. I totally forgot that I was doing it. But then earlier this week I remembered, so I thought I’d jump back on the bandwagon. Speaking of getting back on the wagon, it segues nicely into today’s topic:

Something for which you need to forgive yourself

Quite a number of years ago, in the Before Children days, I joined Weight Watchers and lost 40 pounds. And then I gained it all back again. It wasn’t baby weight, either. I gained some of it back before Poppy was born, and I gained the rest of it back after Pete. Yeah, that’s right. I gained weight after pregnancy. I beat myself up for that a lot.

Anyway, I rejoined Weight Watchers a few weeks ago, and I was, to the half-pound, at exactly the same weight as I was when I started the first time. I need to let go of that anger over gaining it all back again, I think, before I’m going to be able to make a whole lot of progress this time. (Also, I should probably exercise or something.)