I’m a ‘fraidy-cat

I’d really like to win a Tempur-Pedic mattress from All Things Fadra, but you have to make a video to enter. And I’ve been trying to do it since yesterday, but I just can’t. It seems I have stage fright even when I’m sitting alone in my living room. The theme is “Why I Need a Good Night’s Sleep.” I think I’ll go take a nap; maybe that’ll help me gather my wits and nerves enough to enter. In the meantime, I think you should make a video and enter.

2 thoughts on “I’m a ‘fraidy-cat”

  1. What’s the fear? That you will look stupid? Hello. I found that once you get stupid out there, it’s not as shocking as you might think. I’ve posted several pictures of my bedhead. I showed you in that video me in my grossest, dirtiest cleaning outfit. Oh, and as far as embarrassing? I accidentally invited 446 people that I really don’t know to connect with my on LinkedIn.

    You see, I’ve come to embrace mortifying, stupid, and embarrassing. If it’s something other than that that’s holding you back, I can’t help 😉
    .-= Fadra´s last blog ..Why I Might Actually Start Exercising =-.

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