Waking up is hard to do

Works-for-Me Wednesday

Around this time a few years ago, I decided to start getting up earlier. As I recall, that worked for awhile. And then I stopped setting the alarm clock again, and I kept sleeping until just before the kids woke up. Or until the kids woke me up. Whichever.

I’ve decided, though, that it was a good idea. Just like I said two years ago, getting up earlier would give me time to get ready, have breakfast and put my mind in a good place before the small folk come downstairs. So I’ve re-enacted my plan, with a twist.

My alarm clock has two alarms, so I’ve started setting both of them. The first one is set to “radio,” and the second one is set to “obnoxious.” With 15 minutes between them, I have time for the good folks at NPR to gently wake me with their news before the beeping begins. And I really don’t like that beeping. Most mornings, I get up before the second alarm goes off.

So. NPR, hatred of obnoxious noises and dual alarm clocks. They’re working for me so far.

12 thoughts on “Waking up is hard to do”

  1. I set an alarm, but it isn’t obnoxious enough. And it’s too close to the bed, anyway, so I can just turn it off without getting up. I need a new strategy!

    1. @Jeni – I forgot to mention that part! I also moved the clock across the room, so I actually have to leave the bed to turn it off!
      @Jennifer – My husband has been known to turn off my alarm before it goes off, to “let you get some more rest.” Sweet, but also not helpful.

  2. My problem is my husband wakes me up before he goes downstairs – but I don’t get out of bed right away, which means I usually fall back asleep. Have to do better about that.

  3. I’ve tried getting up before my little one, and every time I go to walk out of my room, she’s right there. Lately, I’ve been having “quiet time” in the bed using an Ipod Touch to read scripture and surf the web without having to turn on a light. Technology is good

  4. I also find that my day goes much more smoothly if I get up and going before everyone else. Easier said than done, however!! Glad you found a system that works for you!

  5. I hear you! Your system sounds good. I don’t have a dual alarm, but I have a clock (have had it since 1988!) whose alarm is set with easy knobs on the front, so if I can’t get up the first time it’s easy to set it for later.

    What helped me most was giving up the snooze button for Lent. I learned a lot about what was really going on when I snoozed, and that’s helped me to cut it out…although I am still far from perfect at getting up on time!

  6. Thank you very much for that wonderful article

    From the “Best in Spam” files.

  7. How will we have money to support millions of more people in the future?

    I don’t know, spammachine, but I’m pretty sure my alarm clock won’t have anything to do with it..

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