when Monday becomes Tuesday and Tuesday attacks

Dear Reader, it will perhaps shine a light on how things are going here today when I share with you that instead of making dinner this evening I stopped at not one but two fast food establishments to feed the family after soccer practice, I cannot find one child’s lunchbox, and the other child spent 20 minutes singing very loud songs about donuts at me and is now furious about having to take a shower.

Here’s to a better tomorrow, and here’s what we’re probably having the rest of this blissfully short week.

Wednesday: Festival of frozens
I’ll be stopping by Trader Joe’s to procure a selection of their fine frozen foods.

Thursday: Soup and sandwiches
I have a strong suspicion that the children will balk at my veggie noodle soup.

Friday: Frozen pizza
Rockford and I are going out on a date, and we are making the children stay home with a responsible adult and a couple of frozen pizzas.

Hungry for more? Check out the Menu Plan Monday linkup at OrgJunkie.