2011 ButterscotchSundae.com visitors map

This year in blogging

More than 5,400 people visited Butterscotch Sundae in 2011. This is not, in terms of the “big blogs” or even the medium-sized blogs, a large number at all. But it’s big enough to blow my mind a bit. You came from all over the world this year, including Chile, Ghana, Iran, Indonesia and a surprisingly large number from Russia. In what I believe to be a first for the site, we had visitors from every state in the United States. Not very many from Wyoming or South Dakota, but enough to color them in on the map!

2011 ButterscotchSundae.com visitors map
2011 ButterscotchSundae.com visitors map

I’d like to send each of you a rose and a personalized poem, but I do not have that many roses on hand. Instead, I will say Thank You For Stopping By. (And maybe I will send a rose and a personalized poem to our No. 1 Fan.)

I would also like to say thank you to the top referral sites that weren’t Facebook and Google, both of which I also appreciate and am quite sure are run by humans. But you know.

  1. Homeschooling site Heart of the Matter Online sent 253 people our way.
  2. I’m an Organizing Junkie — home of the Menu Plan Monday link-up — sent 251.
  3. The rather fabulous Rootie Toot at Because it Really is Personal After All sent 246.
  4. Fellow BlogHer member Daddy Scratches sent 183.
  5. And Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers sent 173.

And what are most people reading once they get here? This stuff, mostly:

  1. Four fun places in Atlanta to visit with your kids. I take this to mean I should travel more frequently.
  2. Going to Atlanta? Here’s a peach of a giveaway. Clearly, I should be sending you places more frequently, too.
  3. How to choose a baseball team is a very amusing graphic that I can take no credit for whatsoever.
  4. A homeschool plan for a first-grader. Unlike our kindergarten plan, we’ve actually stuck pretty closely to this.

I don’t have any plans for dominating the internet, so I’m not setting any goals for 2012 numbers. I would, however, like to see more green on that visitors map. So if you know anyone in Greenland, Khazakstan or Mongolia, please send them this way.

But not until January 1st.

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