Nothing like soup to follow a night of glamour

Last night we had a few people over to watch the Oscars, and we snacked on our neighbor’s delicious pumpkin bread and Nutmeg Nanny’s S’mores Popcorn. I didn’t take notes during the show — because I was too busy eating popcorn and pumpkin bread — but here are a few things I thought:

  • I will continue to have never watched “The Family Guy.” Seth MacFarlane’s humor isn’t my cup o’ tea.
  • Hugh Jackman rushing up to help Jennifer Lawrence when she stumbled. I’m a fan of gentlemen.
  • Speaking of whom, I’m glad she won. I love her.
  • My favorite dress of the evening: Naomi Watts. She looked like a glorious glamorous robot.
  • Anywho, here’s what we’re eating this week!

    Monday: Chicken Tortilla Soup

    The kids have swim lessons today, which means I’ll be spending about 2 hours at the Y. Maybe just maybe I’ll spend some of that time exercising! And then we’ll eat soup.

    Tuesday: Out

    The kids have simultaneous activities in different parts of town tomorrow, which means we’ll be dividing and conquering for dinner.

    Wednesday: Breakfast for dinner

    I’m thinking omelets, but Rockford will probably be thinking pancakes.

    Thursday: Cheeseburgers

    Because it’s Pete’s Choice night!

    Friday: Pizza