My Blissdom 2013 notebook: Scott Stratten, Annie Downs & CC Chapman

Opening Keynote with Scott Stratten

Scott Stratten at PubCon Paradise Hawaii 2012. Photo by Michael Dorausch.
Scott Stratten is the author of “Unmarketing” and “The Book of Business Awesome.” He enjoys tattoos, trucker hats and getting very worked up about the internet. He talked to us about (surprise!) business, marketing and the internet, using the very sweet story of Joshie the giraffe and the Ritz Carlton as his opening illustration.

Here are some of my notes from his keynote:

“If you’re only awesome as a brand to influencers, you’re not awesome.”

“Nobody cares about your logo, ever, in the history of the planet.”

“Your brand is not your logo; your brand is your actions.”

“Awesome employees are not overhead.”

Social media allows people who wouldn’t directly approach a brand to vent. Social media won’t fix a bad product or experience, it will just amplify it.

“The secret to successful business: Work Hard.”

Write content for an audience beyond your subscribers.

“The best frequency to blog at is when you have something to say.”

“Write Now: Writing For the Season You’re In” with Annie Downs

Annie Downs is the author of “Perfectly Unique: Praising God from Head to Foot,” which I’m thinking about ordering for my 13-year-old niece. Annie enjoys Nutella and the internet, and she wears very cute clothes. Here are some of my notes from her session:

“Be full of grace with yourself.” (I heard variations of this concept all weekend long. Perhaps I should take it to heart?)

Write about yourself and what matters to you, but not at the expense of those you love.

What should you write about? Things you’re hoping for; topics you wish someone else was writing about. If you’re looking for it, chances are someone else is, too.

Sometimes you need to live the story before you write about it.

Do what doesn’t make you crazy.

“Living an Amazing Life” with CC Chapman

photo by Rockford
CC Chapman is the author of “Amazing Things Will Happen” and “Content Rules.” He loves his kids and his wife, he’s kind and generous, and he hates seagulls. I may have gotten a little verklempt on him when I asked him to sign his book for Rockford.

Here are some of my notes from his session:

Define “amazing” on your terms, then choose your path. You need a concrete, attainable goal.

“Normal is a boring way to live your life.”

“If they don’t want you to succeed, they’re not your friends.”

Seagulls: People who swoop in, drop poo on you and fly away. “The internet is full of seagulls.”

Be a duck: Let things roll off. I explained this concept to Pete this morning when I was mad at his sister for some minor infraction. He quacked.

Celebrate success of all sizes; don’t wait until you finish your project to celebrate.

Always give back. “Life is too short to focus on cashing the checks.”

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