Menu plan Monday: Rockford takes over

Menu Plan Monday logoI felt rotten when I went to bed Friday night (I think it was just a bad allergy attack). On Saturday morning, Rockford nudged me and said, “I’m going to take the kids to the grocery so you can sleep in.” So I said, “Narmumphblargh” and rolled over and went back to sleep. I didn’t wake up until 10:30. When I remembered that I hadn’t made a menu plan, much less a grocery list.

Rockford is much better than I am at on-the-fly meal planning. Here’s his plan for the week, concocted at the grocery store with an infant and toddler in tow.

Monday: Pizza

Tuesday: Fajitas

Wednesday: Spaghetti

Thursday: Something from the freezer

He would’ve won the Go Rockford! award just for letting me sleep in so long on Saturday. But then he made salmon for dinner that evening followed by barbecue last night. I have a good husband. Thanks, Al!