Category Archives: Bandwagons


I finally reached 50,000 words.

I would like to thank Rockford, who has very kindly let me write write write write write for the last few weeks; Poppy, who slept an extra hour and a half this morning; Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who was a very long-winded poet; and adverbs, without whom I would not have reached 50k.

I don’t have a great feeling of triumph, mainly because of the role that “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” came to play in the story. And also because, even without Coleridge, the story is horrible. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll try it again next year. If I do, though, I definitely need to have a plot and an outline before November.

And now I’m a cheater

You might have noticed the enormous jump on my NaNoWriMo ticker today. It’s because I cheated. It was either cheat or quit. And I know that cheaters never win, but neither do quitters. So, really, I wasn’t going to win either way. But this way I’ll at least get a nifty little badge that says I won. And that’s all that really matters.

But is it really cheating? You decide.

My characters are reciting Samuel Taylor Coleridge poems. They’re on a road trip, and that’s what everybody does on road trips. It was a perfectly natural progression. Right?

Friday Feast No. 118

Do you believe there is intelligent life on other planets?

    No. Not without Fox Mulder around to convince me otherwise.

What is one thing you said you’d never do, but you eventually did?

    I always said I’d never let my children watch “too much” television. I’ve found that “too much” is a pretty amorphous term. Most days, Pi watches “Sesame Street” in the morning and a video with Rockford after he gets home from work. Under my pre-parenting definition, that would have been “too much.” These days, it’s just right.

Who is the teacher that influenced you the most in school?

    Her name escapes me right now, but it was my fifth-grade teacher. She forced me to memorize the multiplication tables. I think it was the first time I actually applied myself.

Main Course
If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would it be and why?

    Oprah, but only on her day off.

What is your favorite dish to prepare?

    Ice cream sundaes.

The Friday Feast is a weekly meme intended to “feed your mind by asking thought-provoking, mind-stimulating questions.”