bears and nifflers and food

I am currently sitting in the sunroom, waiting for our resident bear. He’s run through our backyard twice in the last hour. I think he’s doing laps. I got this picture of him a few weeks ago. He was too fast for me this time.

I’m sure he won’t be back today, since I’m ready for him. I’d like to get a trail cam to put up in the yard. We get a pretty good amount of wildlife, and I’m relatively certain the beasties come by even when I’m not actively gazing out the window.

Speaking of beasties: Pete and I have had a lot of fun this week rescuing nifflers and kneazles and the like in the new “Harry Potter: Wizards United” game. I was shocked that Poppy had no interest in playing. I guess she’s grown out of her Harry Potter obsession. It was fun while it lasted.

In non-wild or -fantastical news, I have once again cobbled together a menu plan. It’s a pretty, pretty lazy plan, because it’s summer and I’m busy watching for bears.

Here’s what we’ll be having this week.

Monday: Sandwiches

It was supposed to be spaghetti night, but Pete just now came to complain about that while I was typing. So sandwiches it is. Hope you like ham, kid.

Tuesday: Fast food
Possibly Wendy’s.

Wednesday: Frozen pizza
What a healthful week I’ve planned.

Thursday: Spaghetti
I’m putting Pete in charge of this one.