A March Madness menu plan that doesn’t have anything to do with basketball

Monday: Grilled cheese sandwiches
I’m not sure whether Poppy is very eager to perfect her grilled cheese skills or if she’s just taking advantage of the opportunity to put grilled-cheese sandwiches on the meal every week. I’m going to let her keep choosing it for awhile. We’re going to add the option of making it a ham and cheese sandwich this week.
Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner
I will be at a homeschool co-op council meeting and Poppy will be at soccer practice, so Pete and Rockford will be enjoying their pancakes solo. At least until Poppy gets home and gets a shortstack of her own.

Wednesday: Party foods
It’s book club week! We’ll be having appetizers and party foods while we discuss this month’s title.

Thursday: Shake & Bake chicken
Pete chose to learn how to make Shake & Bake chicken this week.

Friday: Pizza

Still hungry? Check out OrgJunkie for more menu plans.