This is the week my brother’s world changes forever. Yay!

My dad is visiting this week, and that usually means we eat out a lot and/or try a lot of new recipes. This time I didn’t plan anything fancy, though, probably because it’s Perry Mason Junior Week! And as such, all I’ve been thinking about is babies. So it’s a pretty simple meal plan this week, with a significant dose of days on which I’m not sure what we’ll be doing.

Monday: Cheeseburgers

Rockford also requested potato salad as part of the Labor Day feast, but I don’t think I’ve ever made potato salad before! That’s always been Rockford’s mother’s or my Uncle Jim’s job. I hope I’m up to the task!

Tuesday: Baked ravioli

I wanted something simple, and this is most definitely that!

Wednesday: ?

We’re going to be doing a lot of running around, so we might be having Wendy’s Wednesday. We’ll see.

Thursday: Hospital food, maybe

It’s Perry Mason Jr day!!

Friday: Pizza