Things to do in February

I didn’t make all that much progress on January’s list. Good thing we have an extra day in February this year! Here are some things I’d like to accomplish this month.

  • Reorganize my “office.” This is one of those things that didn’t happen in January.
  • Paint the living room and hang pictures. This also wasn’t done in January. I’m still waffling on the color.
  • Lose 5 pounds. This would be on the list even if I had accomplished it last month (which I didn’t; I lost half a pound). It’s going to be on the list again and again and again, regardless of how many times I actually get it done.
  • Let Poppy invite some friends over for a Valentine’s Day party.
  • Get in at least 800 minutes of exercise. Which would undoubtedly help with that lose-5-pounds thing. And here’s a little running lady to show you how close I am to crossing this off the list! Run, little lady! Run! (I won’t be doing any running at all.)